06/29/08 - My Squier Stratocaster by Fender. I really like how this one turned out, I just wish I had filled the frame a little better. And I also wish I had thought to dust the guitar before I started taking pictures.
06/25/08- The old train station. At first I didn't like the lens flare, then I decided it adds something. Also, this is my first attempt at retouching my daily photo (with photoshop). Not sure if it turned out good or not.
06/24/08 - Buddha statue that currently resides on my neighbor's kitchen floor. It might seem kind of zen at first, but when you know it was stolen out of someone's front yard it loses some of it's peaceful sacredness. The best part is that it weighs about 50 lbs., and no one remembers actually carrying it home. I wish I had just taken it outside to get this shot, because I hate the way the flash reflected off of it.
06/09/06 - The further uglification of my 'hood. I know I don't make a very strong effort to beautify my yard. F'rinstance, I haven't cut the grass yet this year. But every year they knock down a few more trees on my street, and it makes me sad.
06/05/08 - I decided to go fishing for the first time in many years. I Met this old-timer and his dog on the banks of the MacLeod River, and he gave me some tips for catching fish.
06/02/08 - Jake and Cindy having a coffee break on their sweet ghettolicious back stoop. Jake and I have been friends since we were in cooking class together in highschool. He was listening to Ozzy Osbourne, and I said 'You should check out Black Sabbath'. It just went downhill from there. Cindy is my fiancee's sister.
Immature and old beyond his years at the same time. Compares himself to a yard sale. A few good items and a bunch of crap that nobody wants. Loves yard sales