07/28/08 - I realise It's almost gotten to the point where I could make this a collection of pictures of food, or different types of metals. I think it's time to shake things up a bit...
So I once again forgot to mention I would be away. Here are photos from the past few days. Also, don't forget to check out the flickr photostream for the rest of my pictures.
07/20/08 - I dunno why I like canola fields so much.
07/19/08 - A race at Evergreen Park, Grande Prairie.
07/18/08 - On the Simonette River, near Grande Prairie.
07/02/08 - We bought this potted plant, and it sits on the kitchen table. But I really don't know what it is. Whatever it is it looks like it needs more water.
Immature and old beyond his years at the same time. Compares himself to a yard sale. A few good items and a bunch of crap that nobody wants. Loves yard sales